Oh Southern New Mexico, so rainy, so cloudy, so woodsy 'n wet. "New Mexico?"
Yes! If you drive four hours in the scorching desert south of Albuquerque and climb a sandy dry mountain speckled with low 'bobble' bushes, then way at the top, you'll come to a little place named Cloudcroft! Not long ago, I packed the car up with canvas, paper, tubs of paint, water buckets & my bike, of course (which I never got to ride because I was in CLOUDcroft where it RAINS every afternoon). I spent a week there studying
with successful, generous and superby inspiring artist, Robert Burridge. Since I've been back ... all I want to do is paint! That just says it ALL about a teacher, doesn't it! A couple of nights ago I didn't even want to go to sleep because that meant too many hours before I could paint again! Lil Ms Artist has been revived! If you visit his site, consider signing up for his Artsy Fartsy Newsletter, 'tis fab!
gorgeous!! i remember meeting you in my studio a couple years back... so glad you found my blog! i'll definitely check back in on yours, too-- your work is stunning. :) i love those little paintings and the wedding tree.
so lovelyy.. I love looking at the painting, it's so rich of color, somehow it's make me think about brave, spontaneously style of drawing.. :)
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