Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Too Hot For Socks

Well, so much for Halloweenish. Today it's too hot for socks! Especially out at the Pumpkin Patch. There was barely a cloud in the sky. The place was swarming with kids pulling squeakie red wagons piled with pumpkins. There was a donkey, a few bunnies, a corn maze and even those things you put your face in for a photo. I came home with a Great Pumpkin and a pocket full of dried corn kernels I found on the ground in the corn maze. Yeah, I still do that ... wonder about and pick up all sorts of stuff from the ground!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Trick or Treat

It's Halloweenish. The moon is just past full, glowing low and yellow through a spooky haze. It's cold. I'm wearing 3 sweaters. Yeah, I have central heating in my hut, but you know, once THAT goes on, that's it till April! Ah, April, can't wait.

I've got the Rockies game on. They're playing the 3rd game of the World Series. I know what this means now. A couple of weeks ago I didn't even know what a league was. Now I know. There are two. That lesson came later though, after a kind fellow explained the basics to me, that the Baseball Season goes through September and if a team is really good, they get to play through October. It was all becoming clearer to me. So the Colorado Rockies won most of the games in their league and the Boston Red Sox won most of the games in their league, now they're playing a series of games, The World Series, you see. I guess by 'World', they mean America. They sure do spit a lot and do all sorts of twitching while they're standing around. And what's with the hankie twirling? Go Rockies!

Here's my little 'trick or treat' contribution for IF this week. Lots o' candy!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Meet 4 of many new additions to my PORTFOLIO.


Ah, porque me encanta la pintura ... Ah, what is it about painting. It's all I wanna do these days. One thing is that I never know what's going to happen. Who knew 'not knowing' (and then seeing the results) would be so satisfying. At first I do feel a tinge of wondering if ANYTHING worthwhile will be created. To keep those tinges at bay, I don't stare at blank paper or canvas.


At the end of a painting session I may have some paint leftover or sometimes I put out a bit more than will stay wet in this Colorado climate so, before it dries or before washing up, I paint as many blank pieces of paper or canvas as I can with whatever color I happen to have on hand. This means that before I even start painting next time, I've already started!


I rarely give my mind a chance to ask 'What are you going to do now? What are you going to paint?'... I just put color to canvas. Usually a shape happens. And then the dance begins. One form and/or color informing/transforming another. It's Fabulous Fun Problem Solving! I do work on several, perhaps 4 or 5, pieces at a time and I go back and forth between them so as not to get too 'worried' about where any of them are 'going'.


I don't stop until something about them zings. That's (one of) what it is about painting. Hope you enjoy my recently updated PORTFOLIO.


Friday, October 5, 2007

The Sunrise Ruby

Rumi, On Being a Lover (by Coleman Barks)
Being a lover is close to being a worker. When the ruby becomes the sunrise, its transparency changes to a daily discipline. There's a story about a sufi who rips his robe and gives it the name faraji, which means "ripped open" or "happiness" or "one who brings the joy of being opened." Peace and compassion come as coverings are thrown open and the streaming beauty of emotion flows through the lover-worker.

THE SUNRISE RUBY by Rumi (translation by Coleman Barks)
In the early morning hour,
just before dawn, lover and beloved wake
and take a drink of water.

She asks, "Do you love me or yourself more?
Really, tell me the absolute truth."

He says, "There's nothing left of me.
I'm like a ruby held up to the sunrise.
Is it still a stone, or a world
made of redness? It has no resistance
to sunlight."

This is how Hallaj said, I am God,
and told the truth!

The ruby and the sunrise are one.
Be courageous and discipline yourself.

Completely become hearing and ear,
and wear this sun-ruby as an earring.

Work. Keep digging your well.
Don't think about getting off from work.
Water is there somewhere.

Submit to a daily practice.
Your loyalty to that
is a ring on the door.

Keep knocking, and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who's there.

(OPEN for IF this week)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Blues, on Vacation!

The Blues, Visit The Beach

The Blues, Visit an Aquarium

The Blues, Visit Some Yaks

The Blues, Visit Magic Kingdom

Here's my version of 'The Blues' for IF's theme o' the week. I had a good time with these two! Looks like Visiting Magic Kingdom was their favorite. Can you see just how HAPPY they are?!
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