Well, it happened. Tobi, my computer, has passed on. No, I had nothing backed up. Yes, I took it to data doctors and it's even too late for surgery. Alas, I'll spare you the list of all things lost and the spiritual wondering which ensured ... suffice to say it's all gone. 7 years worth. I will say a couple of things though. The saddest loss is my personal photos. No amount of time or rework can replace those. And, I know you've heard it before, so do back it all up. Perhaps you don't really know how (What? Do I drag every email address onto a black screen?). Ask somebody. Google it. Go to the external hard drive store. It's too late for me but yooo ... it's not to late for you! Unless, of course, you enjoy, or feel you need to be dragged through, a hardy dose of change. By the way, my camera is broken as is my scanner! How can I show you all my new work? This, I must figure out!
So sorry for your loss, my dear!
O Meu Deus!
Is that really your Tobi? A churrasqueira?!
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