Friday, September 21, 2007

El Fascinante

In the last couple of weeks, I met 3 people whose 2nd name is JOY. I've also been messin' about with some paintings, painting out negative shapes to create tree-like forms. This particular painting of a tree looked strange perhaps, but a tree to me none-the-less ... until a couple of days later when I happened to catch a glimpse of it and noticed it was a man with a pointy nose wearing a hat and a long robe like dress with a band around his waist! And he was doing some sort of magical entertaining! I was astounded. I couldn't have created him if I'd tried! Within a short time of that painting I found out that an acquaintance friend of mine is also a 'Fire Dancer'. Then, I happened upon a new friend whose band is named 'Juggler' and on his site he has lots of fabulous clown and circus themed art. Then I was invited by another friend to join her for dinner at her house. As it turns out, she's a professional clown, jester and magician! Elf too, I think. Yes, I was wondering what it all meant! In any case, Friday morning came along and I was excited to find out what IF's new theme was for the week. Wouldn't you know it was ... JUGGLER. I just had to smile and laugh. So here's my juggler-themed-contribution.PS. Even my tea bag this morning had something to say!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Meet Pink Miyata!

Pimi for short. Yup, today I traded my cycling shoes for flip flops, my jersey for a flowy top and took my helmet off. Yeah, I know, I'll put it back on. I didn't even wear sunscreen today, wild woman that I am! It was super cloudy.

You know what my favorite part of Pimi is? Well, after her frosty pink icecream color and her HK bell, and her coolest flashlight light, and her beautiful basket ... her kickstand. Kickstands are great. I don't need a pole or a tree, a building or a car or even a friend ... although friends are nice, so are trees. Anyway, I can stand her up just like that, in the air. I like having that option.

Riding around town is good. I seek out the quieter side streets and have to think about where I am and where I am going in a different way than when I am driving. I have to consider which side of the street I'm on, where it is that I am going and where it might be best to cross over. I also love that bicycling is powered by carrots and collard greens, or, well, as in my case today, cookies ; )

Monday, September 10, 2007


My friends, Carol and Arthur Lee Land, showed me this the other day. Absolutely incredible. I hope you enjoy!

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