Sunday, October 7, 2007


Meet 4 of many new additions to my PORTFOLIO.


Ah, porque me encanta la pintura ... Ah, what is it about painting. It's all I wanna do these days. One thing is that I never know what's going to happen. Who knew 'not knowing' (and then seeing the results) would be so satisfying. At first I do feel a tinge of wondering if ANYTHING worthwhile will be created. To keep those tinges at bay, I don't stare at blank paper or canvas.


At the end of a painting session I may have some paint leftover or sometimes I put out a bit more than will stay wet in this Colorado climate so, before it dries or before washing up, I paint as many blank pieces of paper or canvas as I can with whatever color I happen to have on hand. This means that before I even start painting next time, I've already started!


I rarely give my mind a chance to ask 'What are you going to do now? What are you going to paint?'... I just put color to canvas. Usually a shape happens. And then the dance begins. One form and/or color informing/transforming another. It's Fabulous Fun Problem Solving! I do work on several, perhaps 4 or 5, pieces at a time and I go back and forth between them so as not to get too 'worried' about where any of them are 'going'.


I don't stop until something about them zings. That's (one of) what it is about painting. Hope you enjoy my recently updated PORTFOLIO.


1 comment:

Catalina said...

son preciosos!!!!! Los colores son hermosos! me encantan esas combinaciones y las formas tambiƩn.

BELLO todo

Un abrazo

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